Monday, April 16, 2012


Here's a tiny little blog read by maybe five or six people a month at most (in a good year), and suddenly it is the talk of the theatrical community because I voiced my opinion that I didn't like a play. I've not-liked previous plays, and my opinion still barely made a blip on the blog's viewer-hit chart. Why all of a sudden?

Now that I've hit the 100-views mark in a single day, a few thoughts come to mind:

* It should be noted that I've never picked on the actual performances of any community theater productions, mostly because there has never been anything to pick on. At least not since I started writing reviews. The direction and delivery of any given script has been anywhere from very good to outstanding. Every negative comment I've ever given for a community theater show has been about the script itself.

* For those concerned that I'm attempting to sway the entire Central Oregon community into not seeing "Waiting For Godot", I repeat that this blog's viewership has been so laughably low that to think I could sway any significant portion of the community is excessive flattery. But thanks for reading and believing I have that kind of vast internet presence! Where were all you readers over the past three years? I was about ready to give up.

* Is the Central Oregon theatrical community so thin-skinned that hearing a negative review brings about a firestorm? Are we all just supposed to pat each other on the back and say, "Good job, I loved the play" even if that's not true? That's what the Oscars are for, and look at the mediocre garbage being churned out year after year from that bunch of back-patters down in Hollywood because everyone's so afraid to say what they think.

* Did you like "Waiting for Godot"? Start a blog and tell the world! It's a fun hobby. If the entire blog is about the performing arts, I'll even be happy to put a link to it in my sidebar! - After all, I now have a hundred readers and they might be interested in your opinion as well!

I'm guessing, however, that after a few days, my blog will be back down to the usual 5 or 6 readers a month, and I'll write for the fun of writing as I have for three years now, and no one will give two hoots about my opinion, as they generally never have unless they are the few folks up here in Redmond who generally already agree with me anyway.

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What? What?? You dare to have additional or contrary information to post on my flawless and impeccable opinions???